
Torquecode Portfolio

Time to Generate: 77.8378 ms (1 iterations).
2 1
7 6
4 2
8 9
5 6
3 1
6 7 5
4 1 8
6 9
4 3
9 6
2 4

Programming Sudoku

Programming a Sudoku puzzle is a non-trivial exercise and is one reason why we have included it in our portfolio. There are 3 main steps involved, first generate a complete grid, next remove values from the grid to create a Sudoku puzzle that can be solved and finally monitor user inputs to provide user feedback, puzzle hints and detection of completed boards.

In our example we wanted to generate the grids randomly (based on a game number) from scratch (not based on a previously created solution). This is an NP-Complete problem and if not done correctly can be fairly computationally expensive. However it turns out that once a completed Sudoku grid is found, creating a puzzle of suitable difficulty by removing values is actually just as difficult if not more.

At Torquecode we always consider the user's experience, and design our software to help them accomplish their tasks more efficiently. In this Sudoku example, the player's task is to complete the grid and so if the user enters an incorrect value then the number is displayed using a red font immediately. If the player is struggling then we have provided a 'Show Hints' checkbox to help them progress.

Compressor Mapper

Screenshots (click to change)

Screenshot Thumbnail 1. Screenshot Image 1. Screenshot Thumbnail 2. Screenshot Image 2. Screenshot Thumbnail 3. Screenshot Image 3. Screenshot Thumbnail 4. Screenshot Image 4. Screenshot Thumbnail 5. Screenshot Image 5.

Compressor Mapper is a utility application that turns a scanned in head map document into a digitized set of compressor map data points.

Compressor head maps are often only provided in a physical form, printed on paper, while simulation and analysis tools require these graph defined in terms of numerical data points. This utility tool is designed to measure and enumerate these data points.

  • Drag'n'Drop a scanned in image on to the Compressor Mapper.
  • Move, stretch, rotate and skew the image to fit the axis.
  • Add as many compressor map speed lines as required.
  • Individually name and colour each speed line.
  • Add, move and delete speed line data points.
  • Save and load compressor mapper files.
Learner sign image for evaluation licence.

Drag and drop an image right on to the mapper application.